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Kurzweil/Firefly Learning Software

Kurzweil/Firefly is an assistive technology research-based resource designed to enhance learning. It is especially helpful for multisensory, visual and auditory learners. Login to from any computer, tablet, or phone to access the cloud-based library. You can also convert your texts to MP3 files and read on your commute home or at the gym.    

Rhodes has a site-wide license making this software available at no cost to all current employees and students.  

Below are some of the features offered through the Kurzweil/Firefly.
Reading Tools   

  • 31 natural Text-to-Speech voices for reading electronic documents, Word, PDF, EPUB, RTF, Daisy, and on the Web
  • Customizable reading rate and presentation
  • Text-to-Speech
  • Ability to take a picture of a document and convert to accessible, readable PDF
  • Magnify text
  • Control background and text color

Comprehension Tools

  • One-click access to dictionary and synonym tools
  • Note tools—create Sticky Notes and Voice Notes
  • Highlight key text structures with multiple colored highlighters, circle text
  • Create Study Guides and Column Notes
  • Online reference tools

Writing Tools  

  • Speech-to-text
  • Map ideas with Brainstorms and Graphic Organizers
  • Template outlines
  • Word prediction feature and word lists
  • Bibliography in MLA8 and APA format

Ready to get started?

1. Just sign up!  Note: As part of requesting the software, you must use your Rhodes College email address to sign up for your own account.

2. Choose whether (1) to use the Firefly web-based version and App, or whether (2) to download the Kurzweil desktop version to your personal computer.  

3.  Download the Kurzweil desktop software:

4.   Technical Support is provided directly by Kurzweil online or at 800-894-5374. 

Help & User Guides